A blog about an average couple living a healthy lifestyle.

Welcome 2016

Talk about time flying right?  I know there has been a long delays in our updates.  There is no excuse for that since everyone is always busy, and no way to change that since it’s in the past.  One thing that can be changed though is the future!  That’s what makes me want to update you guys of where I’m at now.  I reached my heaviest on 12/27 @217.1lbs.  Full disclosure here that I was truly inspired by going to the Mr. Olympia and have since had dreams of competing.  That lead me to saying screw it with trying to stay slim, i’m bulking up.

Here I am, 3 months from the competition wondering how I let myself “bulk”.

My definintion of bulk: eat what you want as long as you’re going to the gym. 

Needless to say the new year brings new ambition.  We’ve signed up for the #250CHALLENGE through again.  Last year went pretty well until I went in for a belly hernia (or my tummy tuck as the lads at work would say) in May.  The challenge ended before may, so that’s not why neither of us scored high, that could be attributed to a lack of motivation.

You see the problem really boils down to will power.  I don’t always have it.  What i’m lucky that I do have is, persistence.  One of my New Years Resolution is to keep that will power alive.  Don’t mistake will power and motivation.  They are friends, but they aren’t one in the same.  Motivation is just that, it entices you to want to do something.  Will Power, is the ability to do what you need to do, regardless of how you feel.  It’s doing those things that nobody likes to do – really, but what need to be done.  This includes simple things like going to work and putting your dirty dishes in the sink, to more difficult things like eating right and making time to hang out with your family.

Needless to say I feel extremely motivated right now, and my Will Power is strong.  Over the coming months i’ll put these feelings to the test.

Thanks for reading!

** If there are ways that you use to strengthen your will power and/or motivate yourself I would love to hear them by posting below.



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Brian • January 2, 2016

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